Nicki Traikos | life i design |

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Beautiful Folded Envelope Tutorial

The other day I made these beautiful folded envelopes...

They were so simple to make and I came up with a dozen of ways to use them and pretty up how I store paper items.  Here's how to make them. I started by finding envelopes to use as my template.

These two are great sizes and all I did was carefully un-stick the glued edges and flattened them out.

Then I went through a pad of scrapbook paper that I bought on clearance at my local craft shop.

Place the templates on the back side of the decorative paper, and use a ruler to keep the edge and lines straight, and traced out the template onto the paper, like this...

BTW, here are the basic tools that you need to finish this project.  I used the paper slicer to quickly cut out the long sides of the template and scissors for the finer cuts. 

Using your ruler as a guide, start folding your paper and create creases on all four sides.

I used my ruler to help me get really crisp, straight lines to finish my envelope.

Use your glue stick to adhere the two sides to the bottom flap, being careful not to apply glue to the inside of the envelope.

And voila! Beautiful, hand folded envelopes to hide love notes, shopping lists, photos, or anything else you can think of!

I made a few that day and found that it was very relaxing and meditative to construct these beauties.


 Let me know if you attempt to make you own and what uses you came up with!
