Nicki Traikos | life i design |

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Best Planner for Creatives: The Artist Project Planner

Planning your art process is a critical part of growing as an artist. Before using this planner, I would create an initial sketch and just start. Don’t get me wrong, there’s no correct way to plan or create when it comes to your artistic process, but I realized I needed a more organized way to capture all of my ideas.

I would start my project and feel lost halfway through, wondering what colors I wanted to use or changing my mind because it didn’t “look” the way I had imagined it should. The worst part was getting to the end and being disappointed in the final result because it didn’t match my initial vision.

Does this ever happen to you? I think I’ve found the solution.👇

A new way to plan your artistic projects

I started using my handmade sketchbooks to plan out color palettes, textures, and inspiration pieces from other works or magazines, and my planning quickly became a piece of artwork in itself, and that’s when the Artist Project Planner came to life.

Inside my overflowing sketchbook of collages, I found my favorite way to plan, and I think you’ll love it too!

Find peace in organizing your art

As an artist, I work in multiple notebooks or sketchbooks, sometimes with a pile of notes I can’t organize or find. I realized this organizational method wasn’t the best for me, as I’m sure you would agree.

I would spend too much time sorting through my notes until I found what I wanted. The Artist Planner has a place for your color palette ideas, color mixing ideas, notes, brainstorming, theme ideas, inspiration, imagery to explore, mediums you’d like to use, and SO MUCH MORE.

A stress-free, undated planner for artists

Say hello to your new best friend: this planner is an all-in-one place to access your inspiration, goals, techniques, and project planning. With this planner, you’ll have the opportunity to plan your art projects and keep track of the techniques you’ve learned and love to use!

Create your first project inside the Artist Project Planner

Use the inspiration pages to explore art that lights you up. Any color palettes or mixing you want to try, images you’d like to recreate, or new mediums to explore. These spreads are great for quick reference when you want to try something new. They also serve as a great way to look back at what supplies you used and the colors you mixed!

If you want to get your hands on this one-of-a-kind planner, grab it while it’s available! You can purchase the printed book here, or download a digital copy to print at home and start using immediately!

The digital copy will be on sale for a limited time to celebrate the launch of the planner, so if you like saving money and know you’re going to fill up your planner quickly? Grab the ebook version and print as many pages as you need!

Sign up for the Artist Project Planner Workshop Session with Nicki

On top of the release of this BRAND NEW planner, I decided to host a 2-hour live creative session to show you exactly how I use it! Join me on February 22nd for a 2-hour workshop-styled session as I take you through how I gather inspiration and document. We will color mix, swatch, sketch and gather inspiration to start helping you fill you pages and easily plan your next painting using the new Artist Project Planner.

You don’t need to buy a copy of the planner to sign up, but it would be fun if you were able to follow along with me!

Click here to sign up for the Creative Studio Session workshop.

Enjoy working in a more intuitive and creative way to support your personal art practice!