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Dishing on my creative process and most favourite tools & technology!

It's been a few weeks since my last blog post - please forgive me!

It recently occurred to me that getting into a creative groove takes a bit more effort and focus on my part.  It's been almost a year since launching my Art Shop and it seems that this entire year has been one huge learning curve after another.  I can finally take a deep breath in, and feel like I have learned enough about technology, software programs and apps, to help me become efficient and produce the art that I design and dream up in my head, and be able to print it on paper to deliver to you!

I thought I'd share with you my creative process and my most favourite tools!

creative processHere is a great example of my process from pen and paper, to technology and apps, then to the final print!

creative process pensThe first step to any designing that I do is brainstorming - for me it means to write it down on paper!  I use a big sketchbook (9X12), my Sakura Micron Pens, a variety of pencils and then get to work with writing down words, style ideas, rough sketches and outlines.  This is where I need to get myself comfortable, sit in a quiet space with time to have ideas flow in, and this needs to happen organically. {This is probably my form of meditation at its best! - I'll learn to mediate one day..}

i pad and brush stylus

Step two is to use one of my most favourite iPad apps available called Paper53! Here is where I sketch, add colour, and play with layouts before I sit and do my final designs either on paper or directly on my computer.  I use a regular stylus pen to draw fine detail and this beauty {show in the image above is my Nomad Brush Stylus } is a brush tip stylus that is fab to paint, colour-in and fill designs.  If you love to paint, this app and stylus brush will blow you away!! My daughter steals it from me any chance she can get.

my computer and wacomThe third step is to do the final art-work.  If I am working on graphic designs, I use a Bamboo Tablet & Pen by Wacom to hand-draw my final designs directly in to Illustrator.  There is where I can play with colour, sizing, and final touches before I begin my test prints.  I usually then wait a day or two to take a break from the pieces I am working on to have a final look with fresh eyes.

Finally, I print, stage, shoot & edit photos before I list them in the Art Shop! Here is what I've been working on these past few weeks!

Holiday Collection 2013 Holiday Collection is now available in the Art Shop!!

Whew?!  A big to-do off my list!

Now onto Christmas Shopping!!!!!

P.S. (I can't wait to share the one-day-sale that is happening on Black Friday!!! Keep an eye out as it may help you knock 1 or 2 things off your Christmas list!!!!)