Free Watercolor Tutorials For Beginners

I’ve been asked a number of times about how to get started with watercolor painting and am excited to share with you new free resources that I created!

Watercolor painting can be intimidating and with so much variety of brush, paints, paper, palettes… you get the idea, I’ve decided to create a new resource to help demystify, give you guidance and show you how you can easily get started painting using watercolors.

You don’t have to be artistic to paint, but you do have to know essential techniques and applications to have success quickly and easily, so I’ve bundled up some of my favorite watercolor tutorials and created a PDF guide for you to download and use along the way.

Click on the image below to sign up for FREE as you get access to watercolor video tutorials and the watercolor guide. If you have any questions along the way, please be sure to email me at

Enjoy and happy painting!




Learn how to get started painting with watercolor with these free tutorials and downloadable PDF. Watch the tutorials, know what supplies to start with, learn how to mix watercolor, and practice a few simple leaves and flowers! I've compiled some of my best, FREE watercolor tutorials, and added an 11 page FREEBIE to create a perfect foundation for beginners to explore and fall in love with modern watercolor painting. Video tutorials with tips, activities to try, and the ability to watch again and again, will get you started!

Free Watercolor Painting Tutorials For Beginners

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    Nicki Traikos

    "Life I design was born out of passion to live a creative life and from a desire to design things that suited my personal taste and what I wanted to have around me." Nicki Traikos, Founder & Creative Director, life i design

    Modern Watercolor Painting Tutorial: Painting Leaves to Practice & Warm-up


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