Nicki Traikos | life i design |

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Holy Freebies and Giveaways!!!

This week has been exciting, stressful, and inspiring all at the same time.

After all, it is the week of launches, freebies & giveaways!!

Before I get into the fun stuff,  I'm not sure if you can relate or not with what I am about to share but ... sometimes life just seems to sneak up on you and throw a wrench into your experience.  This week I had 2 major events planned that I was going to devote my attention to.  My art shop launched {check it out here} and I am participating in my first art show with tonight being the opening reception {if you missed the story, read about it here}.

Well..  my focus and attention has been interrupted a few times this week. There is nothing life threatening going on, but I've had to deal with a few personal issues and unexpected change of plans that were out of my control and important enough that they had to be dealt with.  When stuff like this happens, what I can control however, is my attitude about these interruptions and understand that not all that we do is within our control.  We can plan, execute and deliver flawlessly, however ... when a wrench is thrown your way, the best thing to do is to duck, and work around the kink! I'm working around my kinks this week!!!

Having said that, I am really excited to be announcing winners daily on life i design's facebook fan page  and posting them on our Giveaway page.  If you haven't entered yet, it's easy! Follow the directions here

And better late than never  {a kink = I wanted to share this freebie with you yesterday, no biggie right?!}

be great at it... all we can do is, be our best to be great!!  Let the wrenches fly, but know that you put your best effort into everything you do! Whether it's being a great mother, a great friend, a great student, or a great accountant!! Be focused, plan for a brilliant execution and celebrate your successes!

My goal is that this print inspires you to be great {as if you aren't already!!}.

be great

This print is available to purchase in the art shop, but for my fabulous subscribers, it is FAH-REE!!!!

Yup. FREE.  I have a special promo code just for you! It gives you $5 off this print which makes it free! 

Or... if there is something else that you like, use the $5 off that item! No biggie. 

To receive the promo code, simply subscribe

Your email address goes here:


and we will email you the code when we've received confirmation!

Simple right?!

We think it's pretty cool to give away free stuff but we think it's even cooler to share.  If you do too, go ahead and share this promo with your friends. Simply scroll down and share!  

It won't be available for long! We are running all promotions, freebies, and giveaways until April 4th and we don't want you to miss out!

Thank you again for all of your wonderful comments, emails and notes. I truly appreciate them all.

Candidly yours,



P.S. If you are already one of our loyal subscribers, thank you, and don't worry, we'll be sending you the promocode too!!