Nicki Traikos | life i design |

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New Art Update

Sharing this new art update is a very important moment for me. When I first started life i design over 10 years ago, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to create exactly, I just knew I wanted to be a working artist.

What does that mean exactly?! It means my goal was to make art, sell my art, and make a living from it! I wanted to demystify the whole “starving artist” persona. I wanted to be a thriving artist! I didn’t know how to do it all exactly, I just had a deep desire to live the life of an artist - I was open to what that life looked like!

Nicki Traikos art exhibition

I am equally entrepreneurial as I am creative, and I got to work immediately on learning, building, and creating diverse income streams so that I could work on my art skills while also building my creative business. This means, not only did I make art and sold it, but I also did things like open a print shop where I made and sold things like greeting cards, tea towels with my art on them I even had coffee mugs with my lettering printed on them and did mostly everything on my own in my home studio. I freelanced, licensed my artwork and even took a commission here and there. It was a busy time for me!

Nicki in the art studio

I began teaching online classes a few years before the pandemic so when everything shut down, I leaned into teaching online classes as a way to help keep my creative business afloat but also, to keep my mental health positive too! In that time, I also self published a few books for artists and have a traditionally published book coming out in November 2023! It’s been an interesting 10 years and I have had some fun experiences but one thing I haven’t done until now was really lean into making art and selling my art.

Limited edition giclee art prints are now available

Seems like something I would have focused on already doesn’t it!?

Well, I have, just not in the capacity that I’ve always dreamed of.

I have participated in group shows and have sold my larger original art pieces. I’ve dabbled in selling art prints and have even licensed a few but what I really mean is to create collections of art that I release, show, and sell more frequently and regularly.

To have these moments of art creating where I get lost in the process and enjoy the variety of art that is expressed over a few months time. Then release these original art pieces, submit a few to local galleries or even galleries abroad, and the offer a few select pieces as limited runs.

‘Iceland’ original oil painting by Nicki Traikos

This year I have been painting and creating more new art than ever before. I have a solo art exhibit booked for early November (subscribe to our email list to get a special invitation to the show), I have submitted my collage art to an exhibit in the UK (news on that soon hopefully - if I get accepted), and I have created a brand new art website dedicated to art and only art! You can check that out here. is where you can shop for new, unique artwork to add to your personal collection

You’ll be able to shop all new original artwork, limited edition prints and be first to know about exhibitions and sales. I hope you join me as I create more art and share through my art; memories, moments and places I have explored. My goal is to offer art that is a range of sizes, styles, and price points so that everyone from the savvy art collector to the art lover can own a piece of art that speaks to them and that helps to elevate your personal space and even mood!

I hope you join me on during this new and exciting season in my art life as I continue to live a life that i design!