BE CREATIVE Nicki Traikos BE CREATIVE Nicki Traikos

3 Tips for Boosting Creativity: for artists and hand letterers.

What an interesting few weeks. Our daily lives have been turned upside down with this virus and I can’t imagine a single person who hasn’t been impacted by what’s happening right now. I’m navigating what’s happening as best as I can and am happy that I have a business that is online based and that I already run from my home office. It’s a little more challenging for my husband and kids who are not as accustomed to being home 24/7.

These last few days especially, I feel very fortunate to have my creative practice where I get a reprieve from the news, social media posts and tv reports. The time I spend at my desk in the studio portion of my office, is a welcomed distraction, but it also fills me up with hope and joy and creative energy that spills into other parts of my life.

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