Watercolor Sketchbook Painting - Watercolors Made Simple Live Session

Enjoy this watercolor sketchbook painting session sneak peek!

I hosted a live watercolor sketchbook painting session for my Watercolors Made Simple students to help them with enjoying the art of practice & painting more. I've edited the session which ended up being an hour and a half long!!

Throughout the video, I’ll go over the paint colors used, as well as the tools used to create the piece!

I hope you enjoy the session and it inspires you to take out some of your travel photos, go through your favorites, and add them to your sketchbook!

If you’ve enjoyed this tutorial and want access to the full video, I’d love to have you in my class! Watercolors Made Simple is perfect for you if you’re new to watercolors, and are looking to learn along with me as I teach you everything you need to know to start painting things that you LOVE.

If you aren’t new to watercolors and are comfortable with the basics, but want more instruction and to challenge yourself a bit more? I invite you to take a look at my Advanced Watercolors Made Simple class!

Don’t miss another sneak peek! Join my FREE Facebook group and gain access to YouTube videos, resources, and other resources for watercolor artists. I’d love to see you & the art you create there!

Watercolor Sketchbook Painting Tutorial by NIcki Traikos Life I Design
Nicki Traikos

"Life I design was born out of passion to live a creative life and from a desire to design things that suited my personal taste and what I wanted to have around me." Nicki Traikos, Founder & Creative Director, life i design


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