My Top 3 Ways to Trace the Paint With Me eBook Motifs

The amount of love I have received for my “Paint With Me eBooks” is overwhelming!

It makes me so happy to see you all embracing your inner creative. I designed these ebooks to help get more people comfortable with the art of watercolor and becoming more confident with a brush in their hand and to see this idea coming to life is just, amazing!

I’ve had one common question about the ebook that I wanted to answer today

What is the best way to get the motif onto paper?

I’ve created a video to help you visually see how to transfer printable motifs onto watercolor paper.

Take a minute and tune and have a watch!

Let me know below if you watched the video and it helps to provide you with some clarity. Also, check out this gallery I created to help you with ideas of how I painted these same eBooks motifs!

Happy painting and I can’t wait to see what you create!

Nicki Traikos

"Life I design was born out of passion to live a creative life and from a desire to design things that suited my personal taste and what I wanted to have around me." Nicki Traikos, Founder & Creative Director, life i design

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