Simple Watercolor Tutorial for Beginners: Modern, Minimal & Sweet

You don’t have to be artistic to be able to paint with watercolors. 


I said it! 

Each week I record and publish a new video tutorial in the hopes of showing you very simple ways that you can pick up a paint brush and a few watercolor paints and paint something that you enjoy! 

I’m super excited to share this new video with you! I broke down simple shapes for you to follow to paint a sweet little greeting! I feel like when we break down the approach in simple, digestible steps, you’ll truly be amazed at how easy and simple modern watercolor painting can be.

Sometimes even letting go of the outcome and enjoying the process allows us to really love what we’ve painted. As you build your experience, skills and techniques, then you can move on to more complicated pieces.

For now, let’s just paint a simple and fun little greeting! Click play and enjoy!

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    Nicki Traikos

    "Life I design was born out of passion to live a creative life and from a desire to design things that suited my personal taste and what I wanted to have around me." Nicki Traikos, Founder & Creative Director, life i design

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