Free Online, LIVE Watercolor Workshop

Who says you need formal training to be a successful artist?! 

I’m not knocking art school.  In fact, I wish I went! I did take an art program for a year at my local college and enjoyed learning about acrylic painting, watercolors, sculpting, photography etc. but what I missed was focused education in a single discipline.  

That was years ago.  And I mean years and years ago! I think I’ve learned the equivalent of at least one bachelor degree if not two (including all the business courses I’ve taken over the years!)

I firmly believe that how we educate ourselves has changed for the better.  If you want to learn a specific skill, or explore a new discipline, there are a variety of ways that you can do so! I’m not a formally trained artist, however, I’ve been selling my art for years and making a living from it! When you hone in on a single subject, study from others who have the skills and have created the success you want, then put into practice what you learned, YOU TOO can be a successful artist!  

And by the way, “success” means something different for everyone - that’s a post for another day!  

So pick your medium, learn all you can by taking classes, learning from those you admire and put the work in to building the skills you need to be the artist that you dream of being! Now is the time and you have everything you need at your finger tips.  Literally. 

Click play and learn about a new FREE online LIVE workshop that I’m teaching on July 14th!


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    Nicki Traikos

    "Life I design was born out of passion to live a creative life and from a desire to design things that suited my personal taste and what I wanted to have around me." Nicki Traikos, Founder & Creative Director, life i design

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